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Nachal Lachish 24/8 Ramat Beit Shemesh A' 99093 Tel: 0548436784 Fax: 02 - 9951300
join one of the programs presented on the other side of this page,
please fill out the bold print only and fax to 02 - 9951300 or
We are urgently seeking energetic volunteers to assist the organization “Mifal Hazohar Haolami” in spreading the light of the Holy Zohar. If you are interested in being a part of hastening the Redemption by volunteering for this special task, please fill out this questionnaire in clear print and fax to 02 - 9951300 or e-mail hazohar.com@gmail.com
Street____________________ Apt #________ Zip __________
Tel. # __________________ Fax _________________ Cell Phone________________
E-mail Address_______________________________
Occupation __________________ Address__________________City____________
Driver’s license? Yes / no Do you own a car? Yes / no
How often can you volunteer? Once every month/ 2 months/ week/ 2 weeks for _____
hours per time
Which languages do you speak? English / Hebrew / Yiddish
Do you belong to a congregation or Chassidic group? Specify __________Other______
How can you help? (check off the options that apply)
____1. Be a distribution point for books
a. Can your phone number be inserted into our Sifrei Zohar so that people can inquire about or acquire the Sifrei Zohar from you? Yes / no
b. Can you store 20 sets of Ohr Zohar, Tikunei Zohar and Sifrei Zohar that people can get from you? Yes / no Space for more? How many?_____
____ 2. Actively distribute books
a. Can you distribute Sifrei Zohar or pamphlets in 10 shuls, yeshivas in your city? Yes / no Sifrei Zohar or pamphlets? In how many places?_______
____ 3. Telemarketing*
a. Can you contact 10 people and follow up on distribution through them?
Yes / no More contacts, how many more?_______
____ 4. Host a meeting in your home to plan the distribution of the Holy Zohar
a. Can you make telephone calls to gather participants for such a meeting?Yes/no
Have you personally seen our pamphlets? Yes/ no Issue #1 / #2 ?
Have you seen the large posters hanging in the Beit Midrash when the pamphlets were distributed? Yes/ no In which Beit Midrash?__________________________
Do you know of any places that were supposed to receive pamphlets and posters, but did not?____ Where?___________________________ Which issue?_________
Date_______________________ Signature______________________________
Comments and suggestions?__________________________________________________
For office use only: page #______ City___________ Fax____________ E-mail_________
Nachal Lachish 24/8 Ramat Beit Shemesh A' 99093 Tel: 0548436784 Fax: 02 - 9951300
July 13, 2009
Dear Friend,
You have surely heard of the tremendous value of learning and reciting the Holy Zohar. As it says that in the merit of the Holy Zohar we will be redeemed from this exile with mercy. Even from the recital alone one can benefit from the myriad blessings.
Therefore “Mifal Hazohar Haolami” embarked on the ambitious project of distributing Sifrei HaZohar Hayomi (The Daily Zohar) for FREE to those who undertake to learn the daily lesson by joining a learning program schedule.
You can join one of the following programs:
Sefer /book Appx. Study Time Pages per day Complete Sefer in
a. Tikunei Zohar 3-4 minutes daily 1 page 1 year
b. Sifrei HaZohar 3-4 minutes daily 1 page 7 years
c. Sifrei HaZohar 5-7 minutes daily 2-3 pages 3 years
d. Sifrei HaZohar 15 minutes daily appx. 7 pages 1 year
All those who sign up for one of these programs will receive the entire set of Sifrei HaZohar and Tikunei Zohar that is soon to be published, for FREE.
We are currently in the process of publishing Sifrei HaZohar divided into daily lessons in addition to “Ohr Hazohar Hakadosh”, which has quotes from our great Sages who praised those who occupy themselves with the Holy Zohar. This includes a compilation of ”Gedolei Yisroel and the Zohar”, “Zohar L’zkaynim and Ne’arim”, “Amiras Hazohar K’hilchasah”, “Limud Hazohar Hayomi”, “Shaar Hatikunim”, “Shaar Hazohar”, “Shaar Eretz Yisroel and the Zohar” and others on the greatness and benefits of learning the Holy Zohar.
Our desire is to enable every Jew to learn and complete the Holy Zohar. Join Klal Yisroel in learning it daily and be a part of saving our nation.
In the first 9 months since the distribution of The Daily Zohar, we have reached close to 600,000 Jews who peruse and learn the Holy Zohar.
Visit our website ha-zohar.com (and share it with your friends).
If you feel you cannot undertake the daily learning program you can still be part of this great project and merit its rewards by donating $36 for a set of Zohar, thereby enabling another Jew to learn from it. It’s also possible to make a donation to print pamphlets on the Zohar as a merit for a departed soul.
Please take this opportunity to fill out the form on the other side of this paper.
Doing so will greatly enhance the success of this project.
In conclusion, may it be Hashem’s will to shower you with abundant blessings in the merit of Rabi Shimon bar Yochai.